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Arm Exercises!

Everyone loves to have thin arm like in our teenage. When we maintain with exercise still we can have like that.  So here I am going to encourage you all and share some arm exercises what I like to do and seen the benefits too. Exercise with weights and without weights too. 

Arm workout has many benefits, working out our arm and shoulders can protect our bones, improve posture and stabilize the joints. It can increase your muscle strength, muscle tone and lean muscle mass. When we have strong arms, lifting and carrying will be easier. 

Here are some simple exercises that can help you get rid of arm fat quickly.

1. Arm Rotating Exercise 

  • Stand with your feet slightly apart.
  • Stretch your arms out to each side, holding them parallel to the floor.
  • Start rotate your arms in clockwise for 15 times.
  • Bring your arms back down by your sides and relax for 15 seconds.
  • Repeat the rotation into anti clockwise for 15 times.

It is a simple exercise that you can perform anywhere where you can stand, or in the kitchen while you wait for your toast or sautéing your veggies...

2. Arm Stretches

a. Stretch your arm in front of you and fold to your shoulder and repeat for 12 times.
b. Stretch your arm on your side and fold to your shoulder and repeat for 12 times.

3. Arm Rotate

a. Rotate(full swing) your arm on your side clockwise 15 times.
b. Rotate(full swing) your arm on your side anti clockwise for 15 times. 

Do one arm one time clockwise and anti clockwise then do the other arm.

Arm Workout with Weights

1. Biceps

a. Biceps Curl

  • Hold a pair of 3 or 5 lb dumbbells at your sides, palms facing forward and keep your back straight.
  • Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and curl the weights toward your shoulder.
  • Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position. 
  • Repeat 15 times.

b. Hammer Curl

  • Hold a pair of 3 or 5 lb dumbbells at your sides, palms facing toward your sides of the body and keep your back straight.
  • Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and curl the weights toward your shoulder.
  • Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position.
  • Repeat 15 times.

c. Wide Biceps Curl

  • Hold a pair of 3 or 5 lb dumbbells in each hand.
  • Keep your elbows at your sides but hold your forearms out at a 45 degree angle away from your body. 
  • Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and curl the weights toward your shoulder.
  • Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position.
  • Repeat 15 times.

2. Triceps

a. Overhead Triceps Extension

  • Stand with dumbbells 3 or 5 lb in hands, pressed together overhead with straight arms.
  • Keep biceps by ears and weights together, then bend elbows to lower dumbbells slowly behind your back.
  • Then straighten your elbows and extend the weight back overhead. Hold the fully extended position for a moment, then repeat.
  • Keep the moment slow and controlled.
  • Repeat for 12-15 times.

b. Triceps Kickback

  • Stand with slightly knees bent and body hinged forward at 45 degrees holding and a dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent and close to your body.
  • Keep your head in line with your spine, tucking your chin in slightly.
  • Keep your arms still, then press your dumbbell back to straighten your arms, squeezing triceps. Only move your forearms during this movement.
  • Return to the start position with control.
  • Do 15 times for 1 set.

c. Triceps Dip

  • Sit on the edge of your chair with your spine straight and tall and feet flat on the ground, shoulder width apart.
  • Grip the seat at the front edge of the chair. Scoot forward until you are off of the chair and only supported by your arms.
  • Keeping your back flat and core engaged, slowly bend your elbows to lower your body. Stop when your arms are parallel to the floor.
  • Using your triceps, lift yourself back to the starting position.
  • Repeat 10 times for 1 set.

C - Rotations

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and extend your arms parallel to the floor.
  • Move you arms forward writing 'C' with palm face toward floor then palm facing up with controlled motions.
  • Repeat 10 times.

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