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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Kids Chores at home

I just started sharing the  house chores with my kids. Doing chores is one of the routine for them now. Sometimes it will be interested to do sometimes not, I can understand the feeling but still once in a while can have a messy room, but not daily. 

Chores will help the kids to learn the responsibility, closer to bring with parents and feels like their own home and contribute something to the family and sharing the chores with everyone gives everyone can feel the  help around the house. I am following the points below i mentioned to do the chores. 

Get your kids to do the chores in the following way,

  • Don't delay - We might think kids will be too younger to do, but not once you teach they love to do if they start in a very young age itself.From 1 year itself start talking about that and from 18 months they will start doing. My kids started from 14 months itself. 

  • Don't expect the perfection - No one is perfect. Don't insist on them for perfection just encourage them to start doing, if they get bored or not doing well always try to do with them initially till they learn to do but not in perfect way. Just allow them to do on their own way.

  • Be Consistent -  Don't be inconsistent. If they are not doing regularly, they will forget or they don't follow us.

  • Praising them - Always praise them and encourage them when they do. For younger kids I always sing a song to motivate them to do. 
Make a chore chart for the kids. When you start always says the instruction and give the direction to do and we can also do with them. Once they learned and know to do then they can do by themselves.  Initially always always remind them and give them a deadline. List the timing and chore to be done on a day. Below is the chore chart I analyzed and saw everywhere in google and have my own chore list for my kids age appropriate and with my house chore list.

Chores for children 12 - 18 months

  • Put toys away
  • Put the dirty clothes in the laundry basket
  • Clean the spills
  • Put the book away
  • Take plate/bowl/cups to the kitchen
  • Take off the socks 
  • Brush teeth with assistance
  • Put away the shoes
  • Turn on/off light

Chores for children for 18 - 24 months

Above Chores plus:

  • Unload dishwasher (taking spoons/forks small bowl and handover to the parents)
  • Helping with the laundry(pushing the hamper to the washer), getting the cloths from dryer and folding(handover the cloths to us)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

ideas to share the pregnancy news with someone!

  • More laundry expected from due month or simply you can say first three words alone.
  • I am/We are aware that sleep becomes a very distant dream, but it will all be worth it.
  • Eating for Two/Three...
  • Some baby bump shadow image/photo
  • Puzzle pieces with We are expecting...
  • Morning sickness is in full effect...
  • I am going to get fat...
  • Coming soon second one/third one on due month...
  • Expected delivery bundle on ...
  • Adding one/two more to the family!
  • Something new is sprouting on the (your family name) farm!
  • Only child expiring due month!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Today i came to know one website about nutrtion and beauty, below is the link

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Online Christian Life books

Today i came to know some books about Christian life by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee it's really amazing and useful to lead a spiritful christian life hope so. Below is the link,

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Once I have started to write this blog many things come and hit my mind but the first priorty goes to my favorite thing Exercise. I love doing exercise, I started my exercise in my school days when I studied 7th STD. During that period I started school exercise and step by step started doing more. At any time I love to do but can't do like that once we had something will continue.....